The replica of the Cruise collection 2025 by Chanel is fixed in Hong Kong on 5 November 2024.
For the event, an introductory film to the fashion show directed by Audrey Diwan was produced. The story, titled Modern Love, sees a woman and a man meet on the skyline and the illuminated streets of Hong Kong. No identity established. Mystery and suspense.
In the film, also produced in a short version, two apartments and a view of the city. A woman, the actress Angela Yuen, browses through drawings and chooses one. From her apartment she sees a man, the actor Benjamin Voisin. Glances and Yuen creates drafts of portraits. Voisin holds a coin in his hand. Hours later, along a street, the two meet, passing by. Angela holds Benjamin’s coin in her hand. Maybe, something could happen.
Chanel Replica Cruise in Hong Kong Film Modern Flirt short | all rights reserved ©
Chanel Replica Cruise in Hong Kong Film Modern Flirt | all rights reserved ©
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